What came first - chicken or egg?


What came first? Chicken or egg? This is an age old doubt. What do you think came first? Chicken! Egg! Chicken! The confusion can make your head spin.

The answer is egg. Shocked! Millions of years ago, there lived chicken like bird. It was genetically closer to chicken (but not real chicken) Lets call it proto-chicken. The proto-hen laid egg and proto-rooster fertilised it. When they combined, it created an offspring different from the parents (due to mutation). Even though it would have taken a millennium for the difference to be noticed, the egg was different enough to become the official progenitor of a new species, now known as... the chicken!
So in a nutshell (or an eggshell, if you like), two birds that weren't really chickens created a chicken egg, and hence, we have an answer: The egg came first, and then it hatched a chicken.

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